v day 20162

“Fashion before compassion. ™ Melete Couture. I’m sure when the Nova-Squad is dying at sea they’ll be happy to know Enel screwed up any chance at being helped by Melete.

It was fun asking myself ‘What is Melete’s version of a Velvare costume?’ vs. the usual ‘What would Velvare wear?’ This explains why that costume design was a bit over the top.


What’s your opinion on these concurrent scenes? (See what I did with the dialog in this page and the last? If this were a movie and there was only a second between the ‘happens’ people would be like, ‘oooo, nice transition’, but nah, one doesn’t pick up on those things after a week) A pit that webcomics fall into is being in the same scene for too long, it can drag out for months or maybe even years in real-time. For me, it’s nice to switch between drawing different characters and color schemes. I’m curious how it feels for a reader with these pages on a weekly basis when the scenes keep switching. Does it feel choppy? Is there any difficulty recalling what happened in the scene before? Does it raise or lower tension at all? I’d like to know for future reference (though I’d only do it if it flowed with the storytelling).


I did a number of shippy drawings for Valentine’s Day! Spoiler patrons got two bonus spoilery ship drawings!