Joe, do not touch that thing, where is your mother?! No, you can’t keep it. You already named it?? Good grief, man!

Then there’s Noah. All “Don’t rip out your stitches” one moment and  “Hur hur, look who’s flippin’ out over sea monsters” the next. Really great doctoring happening right here.

On Patreon we reached a milestone! Meaning all patrons get to see a ton of Volume 2 snidbits, sketches, and doodles, some of which are exclusive and probably won’t make the final cut. Patrons at the spoiler level got some info about weavers, like what they are and how they work.

I spent half the week as a sunburned Oompa Loompa stiffly hobbling around. It was not fun. I gotta amp up my sunscreen game! In the wallowing of my uncomfort I may have made these, and last page’s caption didn’t even cross my mind till I was done… it really was mermaid times.